As part of the judging process, a bench-marking analysis based on the B+LNZ Economic Service approach is undertaken. To facilitate this, all entrants must submit financial accounts and supporting physical information for the business entered in the competition over the past three years. The competition is held nationally, and up to three finalists will vie for the esteemed Ahuwhenua Trophy, Excellence in Māori Farming Award 2022. All entrants receive a copy of the financial and physical analysis for their reference, and confidentiality is maintained throughout the process. The Sheep and Beef competition is conducted every third year, alternating with Dairy and Horticulture competitions, providing a valuable platform for recognising excellence in Māori sheep and beef farming.
To find out more about the Ahuwhenua Trophy visit their website here.
Sponsors list for 2023

Our Application
In January 2015, the Incorporation made the decision to enter our two farms, Paua Station and Te Rangi Station into the ‘BNZ Maori Excellence in Farming Aware 2015 Sheep and Beef competition’.

In March 2015 we received a letter from the Ahuwhenua Trophy team to advise and congratulate us that Paua Station had been selected as one of the three finalists in the Ahuwhenua Trophy BNZ Maori Excellence in Farming Aware 2015.
The Judges then visited our farm and met with our Committee of Management and Farm Staff to look at our operation. In April we held a Public Field Day and met at Potahi Marae to celebrate our success where The Judges highlighted:
Skilled advisors on Farm Committee brings focus to realizing potential
5 year strategic plan identifies production and financial objectives and strategies
Clear sense of direction and development of key infrastructure and land classes
Excellent example of ongoing development building on progress made.

A group of some 40 staff, Committee of Management and shareholders traveled to the Awards dinner that was held in May at the Whanganui War Memorial Conference Centre, where all the finalists and their whanau came to celebrate and for the winner to be announced. For some of our travelers, they experienced their first time flying! Whilst we were not the overall winner, we certainly came away feeling like we had won with all that we had learned and the relationships we had made on this journey.
Application Showcase Video
Photo Gallery
Photo Captions
Photo 1: Tiaki Hunia (Deputy Maori Trustee), Roy Garea, Tim Everitt, Tristan Golley, Deane Henare-Toka, Shane Wright, Abbey Brown, and Josh Williamson with their certificates at Potahi Marae in Te Kao.
Photo 2: Hon Te Ururoa Flavell, the Minister for Maori Development, Marty and Janice Charteris of Maranga Station, Bart and Nukuhia Hadfield of Mangaroa Station, Josh Williamson and Chad Paraone of Parengarenga Incorporation, and Hon Nathan Guy, the Minister for Primary Industries meeting at Parliament.
Photo 3: The Field Day attendance at Paua Woolshed.
Photo 4: Chad Paraone, Karepori Kaipo and Josh Williamson at the Awards dinner at the Whanganui Memorial Hall.
Photo 5: John Ellis (General Manager), Winiata Brown (past Committee of Management Chair), Josh Williamson (Farm Manager), Pereniki Conrad (Committee of Management Farm Chair), and Chad Paraone (Chair of the Committee of Management) meeting at Parliament.
Photo 6: Kingi Smiler (Chairman of the Ahuwhenua Trophy Management committee) and Chad Paraone at Potahi Marae in Te Kao.
Photo 7: Primary ITO representatives, Josh Williamson, Deane Henare-Toka, Tim Everitt, Abbey Brown, Tristan Golley, Roy Garea, Shane Wright, with the trophy on the Field Day at Potahi Marae in Te Kao.
Medal Awarded
Medal awarded with it's crafted stand created by artist the late Duncan Kapa

Concept: Design and structural elements reflect both the physical and spiritual environmental location of the Parengarenga Incorporation.
The white sands to the east and the gold sands to the west.
Paua and Te Rangi Stations are both represented by Maori design motifs.
White leather base bordering is influenced by the cattle and other stock animals that have produced the economic base of the Incorporation.
The two elements reflect the ‘old’ and ‘new’. The upper section is new Totara at 500 years plus and the lower base is an ancient Kauri at 40-50 thousand years old.
Show of Appreciation from Shareholders